James White's Definition of KJV Only
Jamin Hubner, a member of the AOMIN blogging team, is involved in a debate regarding the definition of KJV only. He notes: Dr. White identifies at least 5 kinds of King-James Only advocates p. 23-28): 1. "I Like the KJV Best" 2. "The Textual Argument" - Group A (Majority Text advocates), Group B (TR Advocates) Group C (others) 3. "Received Text Only" - TR is inspired or is inerrant by providence of God. 4. Inspired KJV Group - KJV itself is inspired and inerrant (some would also affirm inspiration and inerrancy of TR, and thus also hold to group 3); KJV Alone = Word of God Alone 5. "The KJV as New Revelation" - God re-inspired the AV 1611 text rendering it in English language (thus, Hebrew and Greek texts should actually be changed to reflect KJV readings) ( link ) However, as a counter-point, I should be noted that James White also says the following: One group that would strongly reject the term KJV Only but believe that the Greek...