1 Timothy 4:10 - Especially those that Believe
Dan (Arminian) and Turretinfan (Calvinist) discuss 1 Tim 4:10, and briefly answer a question from the David Pallmann/Derick Murrell debate regarding foreknowledge and the atonement. The main points of disconcurrance on 1 Tim 4:10 were the meaning of "savior" and "especially". Background 1 Timothy is Paul’s letter to his traveling companion, Timothy, who he sent to the Church he started in Ephesus to deal with some heretics, including Alexander and Hymenaeus. He only reveals bits and pieces about the heresy, but it involved miss-use of the law, forbidding marriage, food restrictions, and exercise. 2 Timothy (Titus, 2 Peter and 1 John) deal with the same heresy, some early form of Gnosticism (think Dan Brown DaVinci code type stuff) Christ die for all verses Hebrews 2:9, 1 Timothy 2:4-6, John 12:32, 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Directly addresses the extent of the atonement Similar to the “World” texts, but all is an open ended, distributive term, whereas world is a lar...