Romans 9 Debate

Turretinfan has agreed to a debate on the correct interpretation of Romans 9. We have yet to work out the timing, rules and resolution but will be doing so shortly, DV.

In the mean time I have been going through Romans 9 and translating it. At the time I wrote this article:

I hadn't yet studied Greek. So far, my reviewing the chapter in Greek only provides minor modifications to my understanding of the chapter. When I have finished I plan on posting a few translation notes.


Anonymous said…
There are differences of opinion even within Arminianism. My position on Romans 9 is as follows: God sovereignly chose, first, a geneological lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (and bypassing others) onward to the nation of Israel, for extraordinary blessing and historical destiny to forward God's plan of salvation to the world and to produce the "seed."

This ties in with the promise in Genesis of "All nations on earth will be blessed through you and your seed." (Gen. 26:4b-NKJ) Who is the seed? It is Christ and those who are in him. (Gal. 3: 16, 29)
The chosen destiny of Israel was to produce the Messiah and the Israel of faith.

John D. Wagner
Godismyjudge said…

Thanks for stopping by. Yep there are differences even among Arminians. I think most agree that Romans 9 teaches the national election of Israel. But that national election is somehow tied to salvation. Exactly how salvation is tied in with national election is where there is a bit of disagreement.

For me the key is explaining why the word of God did not fail and that not all Israel is of Israel. That is to say God's original plan succeeded and within national Israel there is a subset of spiritual Israel. The passage is probably more focused on rejection than acceptance. Its explaining why national Israel is rejected. So I am not sure that an explanation that states God choose to spiritually bless the nation of Israel is complete, because it doesn‘t account for the Jews rejection. Rather, I think the passage is teaching that God's national election of Israel illustrates His choice to save by grace through faith in Christ, and His rejection of Ishmael and Esau illustrates His rejection of national lineage and the works of the law. God's original promise to Abraham was national the election of Israel, but spiritually the Gospel. The spiritual aspect accounts for why the Jews are rejected. They are seeking slavation through works and not through faith. God’s choice stipulated how He would save, not who He would save.

God be with you,

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