I can only imagine

Mercy Me’s wonderful song, I Can Only Imagine, invites us to imagine what it might be like when we meet Christ Jesus our Lord.


Here goes…

One day, after living a long and peaceful life, I find myself laying in my bed. My two sons are looking at me and I look back at them with joy of what they have become. This is my last memory of this world before I died.

Immediately, I was rushed away into a great hall. There are people everywhere, waiting in line. I am given a number and am told by an angel to wait in line. The line is organized alphabetically by first name, so amazingly I am standing right next to Daniel the Prophet. “What was it like in the Lions den? Did you get to pet a lion’s tummy? I always wanted to do that.” Daniel chuckled and we chatted for a while. At length I came to ask a question that I have mulled over often. “Does my name mean God is my Judge in the sense of telling other people off in that they have no right to judge me or does it mean God is my Judge in the sense that I have to give account to God for my actions?” Daniel replied “you are about to find out, your number is up.” I gulped hard and remembered these words. “it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27)

I entered a throne room more regal than any I had seen or conceived of in my lifetime. I could barely see the throne because of the brightness and glory emanating from the One seated on it. Then I heard in a booming voice “bring forth the book” and had a sudden urge to look at nothing but my feet.

To my horror, all the things I had done were being read aloud. All my little sins that didn’t matter, all the ones I had gotten away with. All the things that everyone around me had thought were wonderful, but I knew I had been selfish in doing them. “I have been such a fool. Why did I waste my life like this? If I could only go back.”

Then I heard the booming voice say “you know that My judgment rightly falls on those who practice such things” (Romans 2:2) “Is there any reason why you should not be condemned?” I can barely think. I am ruined. There’s no escape. But at my darkest moment, I look just to the left of God’s throne. Hope springs up inside me, but I have no words.

Christ, my Lord, springs into action, addressing His Father. “Father, I accomplished the work that you gave me to do.” (John 17:3) “I was made like Dan in every respect, so that I might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” (Hebrews 2:17) “Recall Father, how after my death on the cross, I entered, once for all, into this holy place, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of My own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption. (Hebrews 9:12) After I had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, I sat down at Your right hand (Hebrews 10:12) and here I have remained up until this time.

And now, seated at the right hand of God, I am indeed interceding for Dan. (Romans 8:34) I don’t intercede for everyone. I am praying for Dan, I am not praying for the world (John 17:9) To those that trust in themselves I will say ‘I never knew you; depart from me‘. (Mathew 7:22) But I am not ashamed to call Dan a brother. Dan has put his trust in Me. (Hebrews 2:11-13).
Now I am Dan’s high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a minister in the holy places, in the true tent that the Lord set up, not man. I have obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant I mediate is better, since it is enacted on better promises. (Hebrews 8:1,6)

My request as Dan’s Advocate is this. Give eternal life to Dan. And this is eternal life, that Dan know you the only true God, and Me whom you have sent. (John 17:2-3) Sanctify Dan in the truth; Your word is truth. (John 17:17)”

All of a sudden I had confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that He opened for me through the curtain, that is, through His flesh, and since I have a great Priest over the house of God, I drew near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with my heart sprinkled clean from an evil conscience. (Hebrews 10:19-22)

Then the Father said in His booming voice, “He is not guilty. His faith is counted as righteousness, His lawless deeds are forgiven, I will not count his sin. (Romans 4:5-8).”

Awe and gratitude eternally filled my heart as Christ came over and wiped my last tear away.


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