Introducing a new Arminian website

I am pleased to announce that the Society of Evangelical Arminians (SEA) just launched a new website (link) with the intention of growing it into a comprehensive resource on Arminianism, which includes but is not limited to the Calvinist/Arminian debate. The site will, D. V., provide a bit of balance to the vast sea of Calvinistic resources on the web, such as, and This site is a central aspect of SEA’s overall purpose of offsetting the recent resurgence of Calvinism, by defining and defending Arminianism. Many non-Arminians have a mistaken notion of Arminianism, as do many Arminians. We are here to change that! Even though the site is just getting started, there will be plenty of goodies you’ll want to check out.

Not to us, not to us… …but to You oh Lord be the glory.


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