Good job! There are so many Calvinists videos on YouTube so its nice to see an Arminian video. said…
Did I actually hear you right? DId you say something about "thats why there are many Arminians in England and America." I'll have to listen again soon.... Rushing now. (I downloaded it).
It seems like the concluding decades of the 20th C. saw almost all who could or should have had a stronger Arminian leaning (love and justice base) becoming Calvinist compromised in varied ways without even realizing it. It was because of the abused Romans 7 and scribal-errors-necessarily-in-the-Greek-text mentality that increasingly crossed all religious academia boundaries beginning in 1900. Hence Arminianism seems, in my experience to be maligned on every hand - at least by radio/TV preachers and teachers! Do we have any real heavyweights in the Bible bookstores either?... besides some Pentecostalists who get off into new revelation and worldly ministry too?
Great video! Thanks. I never finished reading the biography on Arminius I began, but had pulled it back out last week as I was digging through my boxed up library.
Keep up the good work! We need much more of this in the Final Reformation.
rgmpilgrim said…
I gotta say it. YOu are very kind. But I think that Calvinism is as diabolical as it was for Calvin to have a man killed in the name of religious convictions.
The servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men was not Calvin's motto I do not think.
On the other hand Jude made clear that there is something which we must "earnestly contend" for. It is the faith that JESUS Christ presented to us, and that faith did NOT include an option at thinking that God has not revealed whom he would elect, does it? Jesus is the revelation of the Father and Jesus was a first class gentleman, until he met up with the temple priest/businessmen.
Further does not that faith for which we "agonizo" preclude that those who call God's wisdom arbitriness and God's justice, non-justice are to be viewed as "un-godly" and as servants of the Enemy?
Perhaps you should beware being too "harmless?" This is war, albeit war in a spiritual theatre.
Stay armed and stand my brother! :-) Roy
rgmpilgrim said…
Ooops, sorry. "Further does not that faith for which we "agonizo" preclude that those who call God's wisdom "the ARBITRARINESS of God, and God's justice, non-justice are to be viewed as "un-godly" and as servants of the Enemy?"
In his second chapter in the book The Most Neglected Chapter In The Bible the author boldly claims and classifies this little heard of character quality of God: The arbitrariness of God.
Outline of Edwards Arguments in part V.I Arminians say if something causally predetermines our choices, we are not responsible. But responsibility is not the cause of choices, it’s in the nature of choices If responsibility is in the cause of choices, we search through an infinite regression of causes, and nothing is ever responsible. My Response Point 1 is close, but not quite accurate. While our actions can be predetermined, our choices cannot be. Choice cannot be predetermined, else it’s not choice. Predeterminism leave us with only one possible action, but choice requires alternatives (i.e. more than one). A “predetermined choice” is self-contradictory, implying we can choose something we can’t choose. So we think Calvinists are inconsistent for saying we can choose. Also, Arminians agree that we are responsible for our choices. Even though we deny we are responsible for things we are causally predetermined to do, we are not saying responsibility lies in the cause of choices,...
Hodges' Argument Hodge argues that unless grace is resistible, the ultimate reason some believe and not others is found in us and not in God. Hodge says this would make believers better, more impressible or less obstinate than other. 1 Problem Non-Unique Personally, I find this one of the most powerful Calvinistic arguments. The idea that I can take credit for my salvation is intolerable, as is the idea that I am better than someone else. But the Calvinist solution is no solution, and it creates more problems than it resolves. Let’s take the argument that believers can take credit for their faith. But Calvinists also say people believe. Therefore Calvinism entails that people can take credit for their faith. It does not good for Calvinists to object that in Calvinism, grace is the sufficient cause of faith and in Arminianism, it is not. That doesn’t impact responsibility. In Calvinism, people are responsible for their actions, even though they are predetermined by sufficient caus...
Paul seems to missunderstand my view on scripture. He states: Crucial to Dan’s argument is the claim that “common man” are all, each and every, libertarians. If Dan claims that some “common men” are not indeterminist, but determinist, then he defeats one of his premises, or makes the Bible speak in contradictions. To spell this point out, recall that Dan says, “The Bible is written by and to the common man, it means what they mean, since they mean certain words libertarianly, then the Bible so means those words.” Yet if we allow some (even one?) of the “common men” to whom the Bible was written to be determinists, then it must mean what they mean by the words that are the topic of our discussion. However, since there are indeterminist “common men”, then the Bible must also mean what they mean by the words we are discussing! Therefore, Dan must assume that each and every “common man” is a libertarian, which I find highly implausible. ( link ) It was not said what was said I said. The b...
God be with you,
It seems like the concluding decades of the 20th C. saw almost all who could or should have had a stronger Arminian leaning (love and justice base) becoming Calvinist compromised in varied ways without even realizing it. It was because of the abused Romans 7 and scribal-errors-necessarily-in-the-Greek-text mentality that increasingly crossed all religious academia boundaries beginning in 1900. Hence Arminianism seems, in my experience to be maligned on every hand - at least by radio/TV preachers and teachers! Do we have any real heavyweights in the Bible bookstores either?... besides some Pentecostalists who get off into new revelation and worldly ministry too?
Great video! Thanks. I never finished reading the biography on Arminius I began, but had pulled it back out last week as I was digging through my boxed up library.
Keep up the good work! We need much more of this in the Final Reformation.
The servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men was not Calvin's motto I do not think.
On the other hand Jude made clear that there is something which we must "earnestly contend" for. It is the faith that JESUS Christ presented to us, and that faith did NOT include an option at thinking that God has not revealed whom he would elect, does it? Jesus is the revelation of the Father and Jesus was a first class gentleman, until he met up with the temple priest/businessmen.
Further does not that faith for which we "agonizo" preclude that those who call God's wisdom arbitriness and God's justice, non-justice are to be viewed as "un-godly" and as servants of the Enemy?
Perhaps you should beware being too "harmless?" This is war, albeit war in a spiritual theatre.
Stay armed and stand my brother! :-) Roy
In his second chapter in the book The Most Neglected Chapter In The Bible the author boldly claims and classifies this little heard of character quality of God: The arbitrariness of God.