Friday Files: Keith Schooley on Romans 9

In Keith Schooley's Article: Romans 9: An Arminian/New Perspective Reading, he skillfully uses the OT to explain Romans 9. Paul refutes "those Jews who would say that, if Paul’s gospel were correct, then “God’s word had failed” (9:6). His response to them is that God had never made the unconditional promises, based either on “works” or ethnicity, that they were claiming. God sovereignly chose Isaac over Ishmael; He sovereignly chose Jacob over Esau; and by implication, He can sovereignly choose on the basis of faith in Christ, as opposed to works of the law or ethnicity."
Keith has an interesting take on hardening. Since both Pharaoh and God are said to harden Pharaoh's heart, Keith sees various roles in the hardening process. God provides the impetus for harding and Pharaoh responds by hardening his heart. Regerading the objector in Romans 9:19, Keith explains the objection as "the questioner is asking why faith in Christ should be necessary. That is, how can God blame the Jew for expecting to be among the chosen people because he’s a Jew—in other words, because he’s descended from Abraham and because he’s kept (in a relative sense) the Law? How can God blame the Jews for failing to come to faith in Christ, since faith was not what the Jews were led to expect to be the criterion of election?" Keith then explains that vessals of mercy and wrath are dynamic, not static, groups.


Anonymous said…
Neat!I liked it. Thank you, dear Dan.

Schooley has his own way to put things, I remember really enjoying his simple but to the point piece on Calv/Armin. general differences and common misunderstandings..

Anonymous said…
I like it too. I've had similar thoughts on Romans 9, but it is always difficult to express. We have to keep the focus on verse 6 as setting the stage for the argument. I think Schooley's approach will be the common way to go in the future, finally putting the Calvinist on the defensive. Throw in a little Barth, and you got a compelling doctrine of election.
Godismyjudge said…
Hi Odeliya,

Glad you enjoyed it. I really liked his use of the OT.

God be with you,
Godismyjudge said…
Hi Kevin,

You might be interested in Brian Abasciano's work on Romans 9. It's the best I have seen.

God be with you,
Kevin Davis said…
Thanks for the Abasciano recommendation. I'll have to check into it. Too bad it is so expensive.

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