Wiki page on Molinism

I upated the wikipedia page on Molinism.  This is my first time working on wikipedia so I will be interested to see if it stay's updated as the prior version seem to have been written by a Calvinist then updated by an Open Theist.  Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! 


bossmanham said…
I just briefly edited the Kalam cosmological argument, as it was obvious it had been made by some atheists, but it only lasted a few weeks until the page was completely overhauled and my edit completely dropped. Wikipedia isn't reliable in the least.
Godismyjudge said…
Thanks for the heads up. BTW, great work your doing on Arizona Atheist.

God be with you,
bossmanham said…
Thanks. I read through the your article there on Wikipedia and I think it's far improved from before. I like how specific you were on the grounding objection. That solution needs to get out there.
Godismyjudge said…
Right, it's important for other to see that the grounding objection has been answered.

But even if we had nothing useful to say against the grounding objection, I still think Molinism would be stronger than Compabible Determinism. It's kinda like the difference between a mystery and a contradiction. I would rather say I don't know what grounds middle knowledge then dive into the contradictions of compatiblism.

That the grounding objection has been answered is just icing.

God be with you,
Toyin O. said…
Thanks for sharing.
Godismyjudge said…
My pleasure Toyin!

God be with you,
Michelle said…
Just found your blog and wanted to say "hi".

Years ago, I was first introduced to Calvinism, when a group of them (online) decided to try to win me over to their doctrine. At that time, I found NO counter-Calvinist arguments online. I even looked for Arminian arguments at that time and there was not a single page to be found from that perspective.

Recently, I've been learning about Calvinism again which lead me to look up Arminianism again. I've loved learning about this doctrine however, the whole eternal security issue has prevented me from fully embracing this doctrine. My recent discussions (okay...debate) with some Arminians about this topic was so disturbing to me, I almost felt it teetered on heresy. They firmly believed that one could lose their salvation and the only way to "keep" it is to not sin. This is clearly (in my eyes) a works-based salvation. Their argument was basically, "No, you don't work to get saved just to stay saved."

I said all of that, (like you wanted to hear it...sorry!) to say this. I found you blog by searching for Arminianism and eternal security. Do you have any blogs on this topic? I found one and you said you'd post more on the topic but I couldn't find the follow up's.

Michelle said…
P.S. My husband would LOVE your blog....Arminian AND a Dallas Cowboys! That's was a funny combination!
Godismyjudge said…
Hi P31 Mom,

I was in the same boat (lacking non-Calvinist resources) when I first started digging into these issues. The lack of quality Arminian content is one of the main reasons for the website and I do think it's by far the best Arminian resource ever (besides scripture).

Thanks for your kind words. Here are a few of my posts on eternal security:

God be with you,

P.S. Your husband has good taste.
odelia said…
Greetings, friend,

Hope you had a wonderful and Merry Christmas!Wishing you a great new year. Sorry your cowboys didnt have the best of football seasons -but there is always next year.

Godismyjudge said…
Thanks Odelia! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well. Haven't had much time for blogging lately as I have been working on a number of home improvement projects. Hopefully I will back to it soon.

God be with you in the new year.

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