Which is more likley?

That Camping could know when Christ will return or that James White could know that if Camping seeks to rescue his reputation, he will end up in hell?

James White:  "I fear if you seek to rescue your reputation, you will end your life under the wrath of God. Your unwillingness to listen to counsel has already caused great damage to the cause of Christ. You have one final chance for redemption, sir. Do not remain stiff-necked. Repent and turn from your ways."  (link)


Onesimus said…
How can Camping have "one final chance for redemption" if his election (or non-election) has already been determined by God and God alone?

Surely if he remains "stiff-necked" it is because God sovereignly determined that he remains stiff necked?

And surely he can only "repent and turn" if God grants him repentance?

Or maybe this is NOT the Calvinist mouthpiece James White that is being quoted?
Godismyjudge said…
Hey Onesimus,

That's a good point about election, but Calvinist or otherwise, I was really supprised to hear James White thinks Camping is 'at the point of no return'. That's just something God knows, but we don't.

God be with you,
A.M. Mallett said…
Did I read White correctly to state the man has a "chance" at salvation (and of course only one more chance left)?

... interesting ... "James White Gives camping One More Chance"
Godismyjudge said…
Yes, perhaps he counted 490 errors by Campling, so he's about to hit his last one.

God be with you,
drwayman said…
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drwayman said…
Let's try that again.

Unless you read the version that it was really 77 times (Matt 18:22, NIV), which means that Camping's goose is cooked and White can't count.
Godismyjudge said…
Good point. That's why his number is up. :-)

God be with you,

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