Free Will, God's Aseity and Ex Nihilo creation

Actions presuppose an actor.  A person thinks, walks, talks.  A person’s actions are not independent of them. 

Time measures change, relative to at least two entities, like my motion down the sidewalk relative to the earth’s motion around the sun.   
You cannot climb the tower of babel because it no longer exists. That matter that used to be part of the tower still exists, but it has changed in shape and location.  

Choices are actions and they presuppose the existence of the actor.  Relative to the motion of the sun, our minds may have changed and the state of the remains of the tower of babel may have changed. Our mental state of choosing X is not some new existent any more than the remains of the tower of babel is some new existent. 

Human free will is no threat to God’s aseity or His unique ex nihilo creation.  Only God can create or annihilate entities.  God alone does not depend on others for His existence.  Human free will could never do that, and we depend on God for our existence.


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