Prereformation Church History & the Calvinist/Arminian Debate

Calivinists have a rich heritage; one they can be proud of. It's unquestionable that Augustine, many of the Reformers and Puritans held Calvinist ideas. But after reading Boettner's introduction of the Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, one might get the impression that Calvinism dominates church history and substantially every major theologian accepted Calvinisic predestination. Boettner claims:

The great majority of the creeds of historic Christendom have set forth the doctrines of Election, Predestination, and final Perseverance, as will readily be seen by any one who will make even a cursory study of the subject. On the other hand Arminianism existed for centuries only as a heresy on the outskirts of true religion, and in fact it was not championed by an organized Christian church until the year 1784, at which time it was incorporated into the system of doctrine of the Methodist Church in England. (link)

Boettner equivocates predestination with Calvinistic predestination. The historic creeds do indeed teach predestination, but not Calvinistic predestination. Many simply stick to the language of scripture. Since Calvinists and Arminians disagree on the interpretation of scripture, likely they disagree on the interpretation of creeds as well. For example, scripture says we are elected, which Calvinists take to mean we are unconditionally elected, yet Arminians take as conditionally elected. So if a creed says we are elected, Calvinists and Arminians are likely to disagree on what the creed means. This is why Arminius states:

This doctrine [supra-lapsarian Calvinism] was never admitted, decreed, or approved in any Council, either general or particular, for the first six hundred years after Christ…. [The Arminian explanation of predestination] agrees with that harmony of all confessions, which has been published by the protestant Churches. (link)

Arminius goes on to explain how Augustine’s explanation of predestination both falls short of supra-lapsarian Calvinism and that it was not universally received by the church. Further, he explains his view aligns with the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism, and supra-lapsarian Calvinism does not.

So if creeds are open to interpretation, does that mean we can't tell anything from them and church history regarding the Calvinist/Arminian debate? No, but one must be careful. When reading history, one must avoid the temptation of reading their views back into history. Further, it's difficult to conclude what historic authors thought about a subject (like Calvinism), unless they specifically address that subject. This is why it's difficult to say exactly were the church stood on the topics addressed in the Calvinist/Arminian debate. But some Calvinistic ideas (specifically reprobation and limited atonement) did come up at times before the reformation, and I wanted to highlight two important episodes to demonstrate that Calvinism was not universally accepted.

No ecumenical councils established Arminianism and anathematized Calvinism, but some regional ones did. In the aftermath of the Pelagian heresy, two fallout errors were condemned by two councils. The more well known of the two as the Council of Orange in 529, which condemned semi-Pelagianism. But prior to Orange, the Council of Arles condemned the errors of Lucian the predestinarian. Lucian began teaching a more severe version of predestination than Augustine; which apparently included reprobation and limited atonement. The Council of Arles (around 472) threatened to excommunicate Lucian if he held these six errors:

1. That man was born without sin, and by his own effort alone could be saved, and could free himself from sinful ways without the grace of God. 2. That a man who, with sincere faith, had received the grace of baptism and had professed the Christian life, and afterwards through temptation had fallen away, perished in the original sin of Adam. 3. That a man through God's foreknowledge might be destined to death. 4. That a man who perished had not received of grace that he might be in the way of salvation. 5. That man made as a vessel unto dishonour can never arise to become a vessel unto honour. 6. That Christ did not die for all, and does not will that all should be saved.

Thomas Scott Holmes. The Origin & Development of the Christian Church in Gaul During the First Six Centuries of the Christian Era. P 404-405

For variations on the phrasing of the 6 points, see Sabine Baring Gould, The Lives of the Saints. P416 and Alfonso Maria de' Liguori. The History of Heresies and Their Refutation: Or, The Triumph of the Church. P 116-117. Of note, one variant on the third point reads: “the foreknowledge of God violently drives men to death, or that those who perish, perish by the will of God.”

So the Council of Arles seems to condemn both Pelagianism and certain Calvinistic doctrines.

Because the Council of Arles was championed by the semi-Pelagian, Faustus, it’s sometimes called into question, since semi-Pelagianism was condemned by the council of Orange some 60 years later. But it’s wrong to suppose that these two councils are at odds with each other; rather they condemn two opposing extremes. Lucian submitted to the council of Arles rather than question its authority. Further, Arles didn’t contain the semi-Pelagian tenets condemned by Orange, so the two councils didn't disagree. Interestingly, the Synod of Orange included some language similar to Arles when it stated: “According to the catholic faith we also believe that after grace has been received through baptism, all baptized persons have the ability and responsibility, if they desire to labor faithfully, to perform with the aid and cooperation of Christ what is of essential importance in regard to the salvation of their soul. We not only do not believe that any are foreordained to evil by the power of God, but even state with utter abhorrence that if there are those who want to believe so evil a thing, they are anathema.” (link)

A second interesting episode in Church history happened between 848 between 849 when Gottschalk was condemned and imprisoned for teaching limited atonement and double predestination. James Craigie Robertson. History of the Christian Church p307-321.

I bring this up not because I think councils are infallible or because I think Calvinism is heresy. I actually think what happened to Gottschalk was deplorable. Rather, I just wanted to point out that Calvinism hasn't dominated church history.


travelah said…
That is a really good post. I am confronted with such assertions a lot and I had never considered Arles until now. One hesitation I have with Arles is that of the the six, there is one that would also condemn a lot of Arminians, that of eternal security.
Anonymous said…
This is clear, indeed.

I have an issue with it as I do with Calvinism.

Because I am unlearned in both and for the most part, History, I have a question.

Would you put your position into context with "what" God is currently doing, Our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, who is building His Church, and the Holy Ghost, who is sanctifying those such as should be saved? Who can stop Them from succeeding in what They are doing?

I am glad that I had good teachers who made it manditory to "know" the Only True God and Jesus Christ, who He sent, "first" and foremost by the "power" of the Holy Ghost.

It seems to me, if we major on these Three and what they are presently doing, all of history will find its way?

Anyway, my Church recently had a Doctor of Divinity teaching over a period of four days. One of the most insightful things he pointed to was the Lord's Prayer and a particular Greek Word in it.

I believe all debates will cool off between these doctrines if we would understand that word.

Here's the verse and the Greek Word.

Mat 6:12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

The Greek word for "forgive" and "forgiven" is:::>

From G575 and ἵημι hiēmi (to send; an intensive form of εἶμι eimi (to go)); to send forth, in various applications: - cry, forgive, forsake, lay aside, leave, let (alone, be, go, have), omit, put (send) away, remit, suffer, yield up.

The point the good doctor was making is in regards to the parable explanation Jesus gives of the wheat and tares/weeds.

One of the synonyms for forgive is "suffer".

His point is that when we are born again, our old nature does not lose any effect and it daily affects us, hence that portion of the prayer which asks for "daily" bread.

While in this life we shall suffer tribulation. That is a part of the calling and election as we can realize here:::>

Rev 1:9 I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

One of the three evils we will suffer in this life is our own "flesh". The world, the flesh and the devil are constantly working against the "word and work" God is doing, Our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.

When we major on these Three as major powerful forces in our life and lifetime, this, minor debates as I characterize them are just minor in nature and not major.

I would point out that the "Spirit and the Bride" are always pointing to "Eternal Life", that is, "knowing" the Only True God and Jesus Christ whom He sent to this world to become the Savior of the world and give it life.

Joh 6:32 Jesus then said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.
Joh 6:33 For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."

I know and realize myself that you put value in debating Calvinists as I have noticed some Calvinists as well.

Anyway, as I said, this article was very clear!

Godismyjudge said…
Hi Travelah,

Thanks for commenting. I have faced the same thing (i.e. the idea that Calvinism dominated Church history).

You raise an interesting point. Here's the article I think you are referring to:

2. That a man who, with sincere faith, had received the grace of baptism and had professed the Christian life, and afterwards through temptation had fallen away, perished in the original sin of Adam.

I am not sure it's condemning eternal security. Rather, I think it's saying those that fall away are blamed for their own sins, not Adam's. For reference, here are the variant readings:

whoever sins, dies in Adam, after lawfully receiving baptism. -The History of Heresies P 116

2. Anathema to those who maintain that the baptized Christian falling into mortal sin does so through the inherence of original sin (i.e., fatally, and not through the action of his free will). - The lives of the saints. P 416

Lives of the saints seems to make it a bit more clear what's going on here. The focus seems to be on the source of the blame (i.e. the apostate vs. Adam).

I also note it's one thing to say that fakers are condemned for their own sins and Adam's. I don't think the council had a problem with this. But it's quite a different thing to say true believes fall away due to Adam's sin. The council seems to be addressing this issue, and they are saying the source of the apostasy is freewill, not original sin.

God be with you,
Godismyjudge said…
Dear Michael,

Thanks, your advice is sound. I do wish to blog about other topics, and God willing, I will. But I started a journey of reviewing [and challenging myself with] Calvinism, and I desire to finish it.

God be with you,
Anonymous said…
Calvinsit apologists lie about everything. They are truly pathetic.

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